The book is considered a bestseller in marketing and sales: 4.7 Amazon rating, over 700 reviews; more than 1,400 positive reviews on the GoodReads book portal. Gary Vaynerchuk is an entrepreneur and manager of a large wine supermarket “Wine Library”, as well as the author of several bestsellers. His latest book, #AskGaryVee: One Entrepreneur’s Take on Leadership, Social Media, and Self-Awareness, came out in March 2016 and has already received rave reviews from critics and readers alike. Your customers must first get value from you Our daily life is full of various information noises: ads, useless news, calls and tricks of marketers and salespeople who are fighting for our attention. Everyone around is doing nothing but asking to buy their company’s products. Most people have learned to resist the information load and simply do not pay attention to such calls. Large corporations can afford huge advertising budgets that help them increase the amount of information noise that penetrates even through consumer “protection”. But what about small companies or startups that don’t have these resources? Let’s think about where people spend most of their time: share valuable information, talk about their lives? At work? At home? Both answers are wrong, most are on social media. Many people spend several hours a day reading news from groups to which they subscribe or share their thoughts. Social media is a powerful platform that large companies are gradually embracing. Only they don’t do it very well, using all the same advertising bombardment or email marketing techniques that they use out of habit. People no longer pay attention to advertising publications with a call to buy something. To make the most of social media, Gary Vaynerchuk offers the three-jab and right-hook technique. Jeb is the most useful and free content for the user. A hook is a call to buy. And if you want your business to grow and people buy your products, then in your communities you must use this methodology. Those. give your subscriber some valuable information three or more times and only then ask him to buy something. With this approach, you will gain the trust and loyalty of subscribers and the call to buy will no longer be perceived so aggressively. You have an edge even over very large brands In the US, most large companies have already understood the power of social media to drive sales and have become quite familiar with it. Most of the big companies DO NOT use social media, all are still using old sales methods, most of which show very low efficiency. And those big brands that are there are leading their communities extremely badly, mainly using “right hooks”, ie. calls to buy a product or attend any paid events. If you are interested, visit a couple of pages of such companies and you will understand what we are talking about. By the way, people who run big brand pages don’t really understand how to take advantage of each social platform. For small companies or startups, this is a very fertile ground for growth. Instead of using direct advertising, seo, or handing out flyers in transitions, the author of the book recommends developing communities on social networks. Firstly, it costs much less (the average cost of a Facebook like is $ 15), secondly, you will get more reach of people who are most interested in your product, and thirdly, you will have powerful analytics tools that will help you at any time time to adjust your actions. Gary Vaynerchuk believes that in the next 4-5 years, social networks will become the main tool for selling and influencing popular opinion, and therefore it is very important not to miss the moment when it is still possible to get the maximum number of loyal subscribers for relatively small budgets. How to use social platforms correctly In “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook” Gary Vaynerchuk reviews almost all popular platforms and talks about how to use them correctly and what you need to pay attention to first. Of all, he distinguishes 4 main ones: FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. Each of these social networks has its own characteristics. Let’s take a quick look at them. Facebook is more suited to posting useful and lengthy content. This can be any information that is somehow related to your direction and will be useful for the subscriber. For example, if your company is a construction company, post helpful notes about renovations or choosing the right materials. If you are a realtor, tell us about how to choose an apartment, what are the pitfalls, etc. Twitter is great for posting short but capacious posts with images and links to your site. If you have a blog on your site, you can post links to useful articles from it on Twitter. Important. Don’t forget to use #hashtags. They allow you to increase the reach of your post and easily find it among a million others. In this social network, it is better not to overdo it with # hashtags, use no more than 2-3. Instagram is good for posting photos from your phone. You can add a description to each such photo. It is ideal for photoblogging, for example, about the life of your office or the process of creating another product. # Hashtags are required. Unlike Twitter, this platform allows you to create from 10 to 12 hashtags and they won’t annoy users. Pinterest is popular in the West, but not very popular in our country, a social network in which people post Pins – photos of their work or hobbies. An important feature of this social network is that its audience is mostly women. If you have a small hand-made business and your main audience is women, then you will lose a lot if you don’t have a Pinterest account. Think about the target audience of your company. After that, create communities on social networks (if you have not already done so) and act according to the jab-jab-jab-right hook rule. How to get the user’s attention Once we are in no doubt that social media is a very powerful sales tool, it is important to understand how to grab and hold the attention of a subscriber. The average user of social networks is subscribed to more than 40 groups and communities, has more than 100 friends and acquaintances. As the author writes, when such a user enters his profile, he begins to very quickly get acquainted with the latest news and events. The speed of scrolling the tape at this time can reach incredible cosmic values of thousands of kilometers per hour. And attention on each publication is delayed literally by 2-3 seconds (mostly less). In the stream of information noise, the author recommends developing the right strategy for attracting attention. And high-quality content will help with this: text, graphic or video materials, depending on the context of the social platform. The strategy is simple: publish the most useful and free information, organize contests, hand out samples. Anything that is free and useful grabs the attention of subscribers very strongly. Once you feel that your subscribers’ loyalty is on the rise, you can ask them to buy your products, announce discounts, or publish an advertisement for a new product. Why you need to radically change your sales strategy The influence of social media is growing steadily. However, most marketers and sales professionals ignore these numbers for some reason. Everyone operates in the old fashioned way: they use TV or direct marketing, distribute leaflets in the corridors, draw their advertisements even on the asphalt. Loss of time, budget and nerves on the face. Instead of wasting time on useless tools, the author of the book advises you to focus maximum attention on your company’s presence on social media. Now you have the maximum advantage, because not everyone still understands how and in what context to sell their products on these platforms. An interesting fact that Gary Vaynerchuk cites in his book concerns the fact that even the specialists of the platforms themselves that run corporate blogs, for example Twitter or Facebook, do not fully understand how to use their own advantages and do their work not very well. The main idea of the book In the age of information noise, it is almost impossible to break into the consumer’s mind using standard sales tools: phone calls, email, and direct marketing. Instead, the author of the book recommends using social media, where consumers spend most of their time and whose influence is steadily growing. Is it worth reading the book The book is worth reading for everyone who is engaged in sales, maintains corporate accounts on social networks, aspiring entrepreneurs and startups. It contains a wealth of useful and practical information that will help you attract new subscribers and publish the most useful content. ….. more info can be found here «Road to 100k Instagram Followers»!
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